Monday, November 12, 2007

Best Shot Monday! Nov. 12th

I am behind! I am trying to get back into my blogging groove...that includes the best shot Monday participation and Menu Planning Monday (which I have yet to think about!).--I am trying :)

This is a late post but I wanted to post it. Just to give you an idea of the amount of excitement around here. HA HA!! There was a HUGE Hawk perched on our swing set early today. It actually let me get about 5 feet away (I have one lens and it isn't very big soo I had to get as close as humanly possible) before it decided it's safety zone was violated. The wingspan was huge...I only wish I was quick enough to catch him flying away.

The leaves are finally changing as you can see...although there are several trees still pretty green. A very slow fall process this year!!

Post your own Best Shot Monday photograph and dont' forget to visit Tracey over at Picture This to see what everyone else is up to!!


Blueberry said...

ooh! looks like a red tailed hawk was looking for a meal in your yard! how cool! thanks for sharing!

Never That Easy said...

That's neat - I'd probably not be that calm if I saw him, but the picture came out nice.

Anonymous said...

Cool! What a neat photo--totally doesn't look real :) (But I know it is!)

Christina said...

wow, how awesome to see a hawk up close and personal like that! great shot