WHEW, I am sore, tired but otherwise feeling GREAT! My first night back to work was Sunday...and was I ever totally out of the loop! Mommy brain has taken over BIG TIME! I cried for hours and hours...seriously, I was not ready to go back and still am not ready to be back. Unfortunately, I need to be back. It wasn't bad though and I actually managed to stay awake and active the whole night. (Unfortunately, i wasn't able to sleep to well when I got home).
Found this nice comfy room that locks. So I can pump without any interruptions (I have had my share of walk-ins...LOL--of course the walk-in was more embarrassed then I was). The worst part was when I went to pump and I realized I forgot my wire to my PUMP! It has a battery back up which would have been nice if Chase hadn't gotten a hold of it and removed the battery. LOL! AHHH...luckily, the maternity ward nurses were able to supply me with a hand pump. Which, wasn't bad, however it didn't do as good of a job as my electric pump and I could only pump one breast at a time.
The kids did great, they know the routine by now. Charlotte was the one I was worried about the most. I was hoping that with the time change I could get her to bed before I left for work so hubby wouldn't have to worry about getting all 4 kiddies to bed. It almost worked until her big brother decided to come in and run amok. So there was that idea. So, I left her in the hands of Daddy. She didnt' fall asleep until almost 11pm and woke up a few times throughout the night, but she did well. I just feel so terrible having to leave them.
The Gym:Saturday was my first day at the gym. It felt great to be back into the workout scene! I forgot how good it makes you feel. I love it! I just did a 15 minutes on the treadmill, 10 on the elliptical machine and then 20 on the bike. Then Sunday, I did a 10 minute warm up on the bike and then I did an hour-long step class. WOW what a workout!! I will definitely be doing a step class at least once a week. It is a total body workout!! The greatest part is I have already lost 2lbs! I am feeling the burn still today..LOL..but it is a great feeling!! I hope I can keep this up and continue to be dedicated. I am determined!! Thinking about buying a home step workout program for days that I can't make it to the gym! Seeing results and feeling results can't be more rewarding! I am excited.