Monday, October 29, 2007

UPDATE already!!

LOL! I have had a blog entry saved for a good week now. I keep trying to finish it :)

So will just continue on with a new one.

Not too much is going on. I go back to work in just 5 short days. BOOOOO! I just can't believe how quickly the time has gone. It has been 4 months since I went out on disability and I have to say I have loved every minute of it! I can only wish I was able to stay home for good. Unfortunately, life isn't always that simple! BUT I am fortunate to have a good paying job and one that is very rewarding. It can be very challenging both physically, emotionally and mentally, but at the end of the night (or morning) if I know I have helped someone, I have done my job, right?

The kids are getting excited about Halloween!! The weatherman says it will be nice and mild so I am happy about that! Miss Ali has a Halloween parade at school. Can't wait! We are most likely going to my hometown to T&T! Jason has to work so it will just be me with the kiddies. We will be walking the town with my sister, my mom, my aunt and my cousin (and her son) so it will be tons of fun! Here they are in their costumes...

Charlotte is doing wonderfully. Growing like a weed! She is starting to be more cognizant of her little world! She LOVES her big sis' and brother. She just smiles so big when she sees them. I LOVE IT! It really just brightens my day! Chase still has his moments with her but we are working on that!

Weight-loss is very slow but steady. Hopefully, once I get back to work I can get a workout schedule going. I was suppose to get a gym membership this weekend but hubby worked nights the whole weekend sooo, I wasn't able to make it. I still intend to m ake my goal that I proposed oh so many months ago. I just need a little bit more time!

Recently, I have come to notice that I am a lot more negative then I use to be. Maybe I am setting myself up for disappointment by creating too many goals that can't be reached in the time frame I am allowing!? I need to start creating goals that are more realistic and giving myself the time I need to achieve them. Good things come to those who wait! That will be my motto from now on! I think I try to rush things and then I get discourage and then they all trickle down. SO, I am going to try to make it a point to be more positive about things. I need a mind makeover! And this is where I begin. Everyday, either it be here or on paper, I am going to write at least one positive thing about my day. Then, I am going to take something that I consider to be a negative and find the positive in it.

It is getting late, so I guess I am going to head to bed. I have been trying to stay up a little later at night to prime myself for the long nights I have ahead of me at work.

A gentle reminder:

Don't forget in an effort to conserve energy, most of the United States will be setting our clocks back to standard time this Sunday (instead of the last Sunday in October). I almost changed mine then remembered that this year was the start of the new schedule. ALSO, PLEASE do not forget to change and test the batteries in your smoke detectors!

Have a great week!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Halloween, Halloween...Trick-or-Treat!

"Our costumes can't be beat!". To quote a little cartoon 5 year old--the one and only Dora the Explorer. LOL. Anyways. We finally have all the kids costumes! I am so excited about Halloween: one of my favorite holidays. Gonna try to get some pics today...

Alison: Cheerleader (I cant' believe she STILL wants to be a cheerleader after all this time!).

Holly: Belle from Beauty and the Beast. (Got a great deal at the Disney store--costumes are 40% off...and they had TONS...yeah!).

Chase: Donald Duck (my most favorite cartoon character EVER..OMG it is soo stinkin cute!! OH and another good deal!!).

Charlotte: Ladybug

I bought a costume yesterday but have to return it because...*blush* doesnt' fit. EEK. SO need to start working on getting this body back in shape. WHEW! Hopefully, I can return it. I was going to be Corpse Bride. IT is such an awesome costume. Unfortunately, it is a "one size fits MOST adults" LOL. So, they dont have a bigger size. I feel so not average right about now. LOL!!

Have a great day! and weekend!


Monday, October 15, 2007

Joy Of Cooking!

Last December my sisters and I were VERY fortunate to grab up some tickets to The Rachael Ray Show in New York.--So much fun, my favorite city and one of my favorite cooking celebrities! You can't beat it! The show was filmed during the holiday season so of course "Ray Ray" was giving away numerous items. We were lucky enough to be there when she gave away the latest edition of the Joy of Cooking cookbook. This thing is awesome! I put it away over the Summer and completely forgot about it til yesterday. I whipped it out and have found some awesome recipes that I would like to try!!

I haven't made up my menu for this week yet. I am behind. I haven't been feeling so great. I am waiting for the doc to call in the abx rx and hopefully they got the message that I am nursing...UGH, I would hate to take something that isn't safe! So, I plan on stocking up on lots of yogurt! OY!

The girls have a dentist appt today. Gonna be fun with all 4 kiddies. I just hope today is a good behaving day...LOL ;)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Doctors visit for 2!

Chase and Charley both had their check-ups today! They are doing wonderfully and it was pretty uneventful.

Charley (at 1 month) weights 10lbs, 4oz and is 22.5 inches long. She was 8lbs, 4oz when we left the hospital--1 month ago today. (her birth stats: 8lbs, 15oz and 21 inches)

Chase (at 18months) is 25lbs, 10oz and 32.5 inches tall. I actually thought he weighed more then scale was way off!! He weighs more then Holly (who is 3 years old) and is very close in height. He is a nice size chunk...LOL!!

My biggest challenge today is What is for dinner? I have some chicken thawing...just don't know what to do with it. I hope I can get back to doing my menu planning next week. UGH the money we have been spending on take out is horrendous. I dislike thinking about it. I can't wait to get back into keeping an organized menu and budget! :)

Have a great night!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

1 month old!

Charley turned 1 month yesterday! So hard to believe it has been 1 month already. I resent how quickly time is passing! I took this picture on Saturday. She wasn't exactly 1 month yet, but I didn't take any yesterday.
Charley is starting to get use to being on her belly, though she will only last a few minutes. She actually managed to roll over onto her side the other day. She was much happier there. LOL. Holding her head up pretty well also. ( I love seeing baby's faces when they hold up their heads and start looking around. They just get the cutest expression--like they are completely in awe of the world they get so see from that angle). She is smiling quite a bit more now (I swear she smiled at me from just a few days old...she has been so consistent with it).

I am feeling great! I have healed up nicely (after a scare the other day--that is another story). And I feel energetic. Which is so surprising! Nighttime has been good. She actually slept for 8 hours last night and 6 the last few nights before that. It is nice to have a good chunk of sleep. We will see how long this lasts :) I know things will change once I go back to work. That is the only BAD thing about working nights. It throws everyone out of whack!

Alison is off school today. Another hot day is for casted (I love Falls like this). I was thinking of going to the park today but we will see.

Have a great week :)

Friday, October 5, 2007

Changing Blogs AGAIN..

I am all over the web these days. But I have finally settled down into a new blog. I hate to start new but it was for the best. :)

So things are going well with the new addition to our family. Charley is 4 weeks old today. Time is just going too fast. She has her 1 month check up on Tuesday. Anxious to see how much she has grown. She is so super long none of her newborn clothes fit anymore. So she is wearing 0-3 months now and they fit her perfectly lengthwise.

We are starting to get adjusted to a whole new routine and things are less chaotic. Charley is starting to cluster feed before she settles down for the night. Which is great because she is starting to sleep a little longer before waking in the middle of the night. I am just dreading the nights when hubby goes back to shift work. Trying to put Charley to bed while 3 other kids run amok in the house....OY! it won't be pretty :) I think the little man is going to be the hardest to settle down...we will see how long I can go before I pull my hair out! LOL!! My plan is to put Mr. Man to sleep first. I might have to utilize the swing for Charley for a few minutes while I get him settled in...we will see.

I will soon be heading back to work--makes me sad just thinking about it. I know I will be in tears the day I go back. I gathered all my pump stuff today and it is now ready for *active duty*...LOL. Have to start preparing a stock of pumped milk for when I go back. The greatest thing about working nights is that I won't need to pump as often during my shift.

So, nothing too exciting going on in our little part of the world. Getting excited for Halloween. Miss A is going to be a cheerleader. H isn't sure yet, but has a few ideas (yeh I know...we have to get crackin). I am thinking Mr. Man might be a football player. Still undecided about Charley also. I will most likely just get her a little Pea bunting or something. I might wait to see the possible weather scenario before deciding. We have a couple of Halloween parties to attend. They are my favorite! There is just something exciting about getting dressed up and gathering together with other *disguisers*--Even as an adult I can enjoy it :) I will have to post some pics once we have all of our costumes decided on.

Wednesday is my post-partum check up. Hopefully, I get the clearance to start exercising. I want to get started on the goal I set for myself a while ago. Which is to train for a 5k race and be ready by September of next year (2008). Don't know yet how I am gonna work it around the kiddies and work and hubby's work-I am just hopeful I can work something out.